lie flat
- 平放

The beneath strutting must level off and equilibrium if lie flat , not suitable too high .
The beneath strutting must level off and equilibrium if lie flat , not suitable too high . The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the retuning track .
He dampened his hair to make it lie flat .
Lie flat and let your knees bend .
Lie flat and breathe deeply .
How it works : Lie flat on your back .
He have an impressive ability to lie flat on a water surface for hour .
Make sth lie flat by putting a wet or sticky substance on it
I could only lie flat on my back with a pillow under my knees .
The ears are broad and set fairly high , lie flat and never hang away from the head .
So you 're going to lie flat on your back , head on the floor , now watch what he does .
Tables positioned on either side of the welding table support and allow the foam sheets to lie flat and slide .
Frank said that the best course of action would be to lie flat on the floor to distribute the impact across your whole body .
The film may not load properly if the film leader does not lie flat . Make sure that the film lies flat as shown .
And if I lie flat on my belly in front of them , in reverence , I have another feeling .
The forward rectangular panel can either lie flat or propped up , with a small object , for the proper reflection angle as required .
The features of Illinois are not striking ; they do not leap to the eye but lie flat and at first appear monotonous .
The eyebrows do not lie flat but , instead , arch up and out in a curve that lightly veils the eyes .
Be sure to use a pot broad enough for the noodles to lie flat on the bottom , and to reduce the salt for smaller volumes of water .
M : Yeah . She injured her spine in a fall and a doctor told her to lie flat on her back for a month so it can mend .
Results The lung infection was the main cause of heart failure . The clinic manifestations were frequent cough , difficult to lie flat at night , with palpitation , choke and dyspnea .
In fact , like a lot of competing Windows 8 laptops that can be converted in some way to lie flat like tablets , I found the Yoga 13 to be clumsy to use in tablet mode .
For one , they are less efficient than rooftop solar panels at converting the sun 's light into electricity . They lie flat , and are intermittently covered by vehicles , so solar panels on a road produce only around half the power that rooftop ones tilted toward the sun do .
To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain
Lie down flat and breathe deeply .
However , to make amends he showed them how to lie out flat on a strong wind that was going their way , and this was such a pleasant change that they tried it several times and found that could sleep thus with security .
The doctor proceeded to lie him completely flat , do all the things you 're not supposed to do .
Lie Groups With Flat Invariant Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics
Then lie down on a flat surface and place a cool , damp cloth over your forehead .
In the paper , we discuss the relations among the left invariant vector field , the parallel vector field and the Jacobi field , get a sufficient and necessary condition for a Lie group to be flat .